Leading Lights

H.G. Alexious Mar Theodosious OIC (1888-1965)

H.G. Alexious Mar Theodosious was born on August 28th 1888 in the Mattackal family, Niranam as the son of Mathai and Kunjadamma and called as Chandikunju.

He was ordained as Deacon in 1907 at Cheriyappally Kottayam by Pulikkottil Joseph Mar Dionysius Malankara Metropolitan.

Dn. Alexious was ordained as a priest in 1918 by H.G. Yuyakim Mar Ivanios Metropolitan at Parumala Seminary.

On 7th April 1938, H.H. Baselius Geevarghese II consecrated Fr.Alexious as H.G. Alexious Mar Theodosious for Qulion and OutSide Kerala Diocese.

On 6th August 1965, Mar Theodosious was called to the heavenly abode and his mortal remains were interred at St: John’s Chapel, Bethany Asram, Ranni- Perunad, he is still praying and interceding for us.

The Great Champion of Orthodoxy & Spokesman of Autocephale

H.G. Alexious Mar Theodosious was known as Aboona Alexious and commonly called as the same. He was the great champion of Orthodoxy. He strongly argued that the church must be autocephalous and synodical. He was the first to use the term “AUTOCEPHALOUS CHURCH” in the history of the Malankara Orthodox Church.

According to him, there was no compromise with truth and the orthodoxy of the church and he insisted on it, and he proved his words through the Chingavanam and Aluva peace conference. He walked out and declared that

“Even though I may be buried as a dog, I will never side with this conference”.

That was his strong conviction. He never went astray from his conviction, that was the conviction of his spiritual Guru Vattasseril Thirumani also.

H.G. Alexious Mar Theodosious O.I.C was a great ascetic, a man of prayer and he was a well known retreat father. He is a model to all generation in matters such as vigilance and dedication in spiritual affairs.

“The depth of man’s religion is measured by the range of his intercession”- This was his favorite saying. Always he quoted St. John “Children love one another” really this is a (life) message to each one of us.

He was the first ecclesiast who represented our church in the ecumenical endeavours, especially in the “World Council of Church” and the “Faith and order” conferences.

Mar Theodosious used to say in his conversations and writings- “I am open to correction, prove me that I am wrong in my conviction, then I will do as you say, I don’t wish to go down in history as a bishop who has betrayed the independence of the Malankara Orthodox Church. That is why the delegates from the Russian Orthodox Church told Mar Theodosious in the first conference of the W.C.C at Amsterdam “O! you are really more Orthodox than we”.

He always used to say
“Only a converted man can convert another man
Only a converted church can convert the world”.

There was not a single person equal to Mar Theodosious to teach the precious faith and unique quality of Orthodoxy. According to him, the Orthodox faith is true, pure and straight if any one asks what is orthodoxy or Orthodox faith, we can with confidence say that it is the faith of Mar Theodosious.

H.G. Yuhanon Mar Athanasious OIC (1928-80)

H.G. Yuhanon Mar Athanasious was born on 21st March 1928 as the elder son of Varkey and Annamma Chakkalaparampil Puthenangadi, Kottayam and called as Mani, C.V. Mani

After his academic education, he worked as a tutor in St: Thomas College, Pala. There after he joined Bethany on 21st May 1953.

He was ordained as Deacon on 15th June 1956 by H.H. Baselius Geevarghese II and on the very next day His Holiness itself ordained Dn. Yuhanon as Fr. Yuhanon at Orthodox Theological Seminary Kottayam. After the demise of the Aboona, he was elected as the Superior of the Bethany Asram in 1965 and called as Abo Yuhanon the famous retreat father.

He was elected as the new assistant Bishop of Kottayam and ordained as H.G Yuhanon Mar Athanasious OIC in 1978. But he had no more work here, so the heavenly father called him to enter eternal rest on 12th Oct 1980.He was laid to rest near his Aboona.

Active Ecclesiastic and Glorious Spiritual Buoyancy

The piety of his Aboona Alexious influenced him all through his life. Abo Yuhanon was a well known retreat father. He gave paramount importance to truth. He had a magnanimous personality and never entertained grudge or enemity to others. He had a very deep and wide foresight about the religious and the Church.

There was no feeling of insecurity and loneliness during painful days in the hospital days and always seen the spiritual cheerfulness in his attitude & words.

His ecclesiastical aid humanitarian activities make him a leader of the common people and good friend to the youth and students.

He was so sincere and simple like a child. He taught the true faith. He dedicated himself to the will of God. He passed away with glory and triumph. He is still continuing the work that he did here with Christ. There he stands with the saints and glorifies and worships the Holy Trinity. He intercedes for the church and the whole world especially for the cancer patients.

H.G. Paulose Mar Pachomios OIC (1928-80)

H.G.Paulose Mar Pachomios was born as the second child of Mr.K.K .John and Mariamma John on the 26th of January 1946 in Kolathukalathil Neysseril family, Kurichy. He was a member of Kurichy St.Peter’s and St.Paul’s Valiyapally he inherited the rich spiritual experience and tradition of the church since his early childhood.H.G completed his High school education from St.Thomas high school, Chingavanam and graduation from S.B.College , Changanassery. H.G joined the Bethany Ashram in 1968. His B.D from the prestigious Bishops College, Calcutta laid the strong foundation for his theological studies. H.G went to England in 1978 and came back with his M.Th(Theology) from Leeds University in 1980.

H.G was called in to the first order of Stewardship in 1973 when he was ordained as Deacon by H.G. Mathews Mar Ivanios , Parete of Kottayam Diocese and visitor Bishop of Bethany Ashram Perunadu. He was ordained to the holy Priesthood on 8th of January 1974 by HG Mathews Mar Athanasius, Catholicose Designate, as Fr.Paulose OIC. HG was elected as the superior of Bethany Ashram in 1986, and served until he was electedand as bishop in 16th of August, 1992. Fr.Paulose was ordained as Paulose Ramban on the 18th of December 1992 by H.G.Thomas Mar Themothios Catholicose Designate. .G has extended his stewardship as assistant Metroplitan of Angamally and Idukki Dioceses. H.G became the first Bishop of Mavelikara Diocese when it was formed in 2002.H.G has a vivacious and dynamic personality and through his leadership the Mavelikara Diocese has grown from strength to strength. ‘THEO Bhavan’ Aramana the head Quarters of Mavelikara Diocese which was constructed in a very short period is an excellent example of his excellence as an administrator. The services of Mar Pachomios is not limited to the diocese of Mavelikara he always makes the very best use of his talents for the overall development of the church. He was the first secretary of Religious Committee of Orthodox Churches. As a Metropolitan he served as the President of Marthamariam Samajam. His most notable service is during his tenure as the Manager of Catholicate and MD Schools. Mar Pachomios is one of the leading retreat fathers of the church. As the visitor bishop he shows the path and light to many monastic communities. His services as a humanist and missionary are inestimable. Mar Pachomios is a Bishop who strongly keeps the Orthodox traditions and values and advocates for a new vigor and splendor for the church. He is always ready to extend his hands to the poor and browbeaten. He worked tirelessly to make his numerous dreams about the church into realities. The blessed soul left the earthly abode on 1st August, 2012 and his tomb is located At Bethany, Perunadu.